More than One occasion fall on the same day?


A Festive of Light that constant glows our Heart throughout the Year 2022.

In Year 2022, coincidentally, we have both Western and Chinese Valentine’s Day [Chinese Lantern Festival] that happened to be JUST ONE day apart.

What are the chances for dating lovers to have 2 days 1 night celebration? With such exceptional love occasions in the air, is this a roaring fate or an auspicious omen for our Single Friends out there?

And for Single Guys, although the two days in a row celebration may be drilling some part of holes in your pocket, this is definitely a chance not to be missed. The probability of falling single rates in the Year of Tiger counts on you! 😊

Western and Chinese Valentine’s Day

Let’s Hung team will briefly dive our valued readers into both Western and Chinese Valentine’s Day, which covers the activities and how this perfect day is celebrated by lovers around the world.

Every year, 14 February is the widely known date for Western Valentine’s Day with a symbolic representation and celebration of love and affection in many parts of the world with gifts and flowers

Next in line, Chinese Valentine’s Day aka Chinese Lantern Festival aka 元宵節 aka the Last day (15th) of Lunar New Year aka ‘Chap Goh Mei’. Oh well, it sounds like many festive occasions in one day, but this day remains significant for Taiwanese to share their wishes, love and joy to their family members, relatives and friends.  

So what do Taiwanese usually do on this day?

  1. Glutinous Rice Ball [湯圓 TangYuan] will be serve and consume on the day as it symbolize the strength of family reunion.
  2. Riddles Solving [猜燈謎] – A merriment moment with laughter and heavily consumption of brain juices to solve tricky riddles! 😊
  3. Lighting up and releasing of Paper Lanterns [天灯]. Well-wishers will be lettering the lanterns on 4-sides with hopes of realizing their wishes, dreams and goals in their upcoming years.

Yeah spot on, Lovers will not missed this moment by scripting their lanterns to express their affection towards each other on this lovely and romantic night accompanied with masses of others lighted lanterns.

Let’s follow the Hung and check it out on how Taiwanese spent this special day.

So… Let us begin with visiting the Southern part of Taiwan – KAOHSIUNG’s Lantern Festival.

Further to the jubilant Year 2022 countdown party at Kaohsiung, without fail in this festival, they maintain the spirit of ‘Flamboyant’ by organising the largest and dazzling Lantern Festival at its City Centre, Weiwuying and Love River Bay [愛河灣] from 1 February to 28 February 2022, for a whopping one whole month. With the beautiful beams of light that shone on the whole city, there is also startling display of lunar eclipse from the formation by water and light elements to create these artistic vibes.

The attention-grabbing projection and illumination sculpture display liven up the whole cultural atmosphere on this one of the biggest city in Taiwan.

What’s more, get ready for the “Unbelievable” breath-taking performances by ‘DRONES’.

Yes! It’s the ‘DRONES’ light show, which are perfectly synchronized and choreographed lighting up the dark sky with assorted and vibrant designs and colours representing various themes.

Isn’t this absolutely Amazing?!?  Dating partners should grab this lifetime moment to spring a surprise wedding proposal, single guys should get ready their bed of roses to express their love to embark on their long-waited relationship and married couples won’t want to miss this opportunity to extend their token of love for eternity.

source: 《聚光台灣 虎星高照》無人機展演 – 2022台灣燈會在高雄!愛河灣、衛武營雙主場 (tw-light.tw)


source: 《聚光台灣 虎星高照》無人機展演 – 2022台灣燈會在高雄!愛河灣、衛武營雙主場 (tw-light.tw)tw-light.tw Taiwan Festival in Kaohsiung 2022

We are extremely glad that the thoughtfulness of the organisers created and launched a brilliant and ideal website which exemplify this impressive event with detailed images and videos. Hence, please spend some time to enjoy the splendid work from the organisers.

Continue rolling…  We are moving up to central part of Taiwan, Taichung

Being strategically located in the middle of Taiwan, the city has erected a 10-metre high Taichung Tiger Master, with its domineering  appearance at Wenxi Forest Park. Apart from dazzling light shows, there’s also other activities to go along. You may find further details below:  https://travel.taichung.gov.tw/

Continue rolling…  We are moving up to northern part of Taiwan, Pingxi

Needless to say, Pingxi County is definitely the most popular and highly anticipated scenic view of mass sky lanterns light up for both local and foreigners, especially during the period of Lunar New Year. The alluring mass rising of lighted lantern with handwritten wishes symbolizes strength, hope and blessing for everyone in the Year of Tiger.

It is definitely an impressive and breathtaking moment a person could ever wished for- The whole sky literally painted with hundreds and thousands of enchanting sky lanterns, accompanied with the  background of green alpine of mountains and turquoise blue stream of river.  

Oh man! How lovely and spectacular this moment leaving you that immense impression of Taiwan!

Hang On – Hung Together

Alongside with our readers, we are totally concerned that at this moment we can only enjoy static pictures and playback videos.

Don’t worry my valued readers, we should continue to stay positive towards the Lights of lifting the restrictions in Taiwan. And for now, Let’s Hang On and meantime Let’s Hung Together! 😊

PingXi Sky Lantern Festival in Taipei , Taiwan, mass floating in the air